Saturday, 13 August 2011

Eugh! What a slog!

When did writing become such a chore? I used to like hammering away on the keyboard without getting sucked into the rabbit hole of sine qua non. You know, those things which the gods of literature insist spell the difference between "amateur writer" and "author".Worldbuilding, infodump avoidance, word count goals, giving specifics - being a writer was easier before I'd heard of any of these things and the role they play.

I could go on as before, writing blindly first and filling in the gaps later, but my brain keeps whispering to me: "what type of dog?", "how tall was the guy?", "how can I show that she was sad?" It interrupts my flow and I find it difficult to get lost in my character's voice, to truly understand her.


Still, sooner or later it has to become second nature, right?

Delusional optimist, me? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, look, a pretty rainbow. Hmm, I'd better get my tools and go look for that pot of gold that's bound to be at the end of it...

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